Why an HR Helpline can benefit your organisation

Why an HR Helpline can benefit your organisation

The happiness of your staff is one of your company’s top priorities. When all your employees are working with a smile on your face, it makes both them and your customers feel good, which has positive effects on the company culture and the overall financial performance...

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Back to work

Back to work

Who is feeling a little bit nervous about returning to human contact again, and visiting the office we once thought of as a safe place to work? You are not alone; going back to “normal” is bound to create some fears and anxieties.

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Returning to Work

Returning to Work

Welcome back! Here’s how your business can give employees a smooth transition back into the workplace. The United Kingdom is slowly returning to the workplace. Many people are shaking their colleagues’ hands for the first time in over a year, or speaking face-to-face...

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Hybrid Working: The next big step for your business?

Hybrid Working: The next big step for your business?

Flexibility is the buzzword of 2021. After a year filled with uncertainty and change, organisations across the world are now allowing (and sometimes even encouraging!) their staff to adopt flexible working arrangements. For your business, this offers an interesting...

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Checking your State Pension

Checking your State Pension

The State Pension is a regular payment that you receive from the Government once you reach State Pension Age. To be eligible you must have paid, or been credited with, National Insurance Contributions. As the State Pension is the foundation income in your retirement...

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HR Initiatives – Client Satisfaction Survey

HR Initiatives – Client Satisfaction Survey

HR Initiatives is committed to providing its clients with the best quality of service. In line with our commitment to continuous improvement, we are looking to examine our current performance. The best way for us to do this is by asking you to participate in this...

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Injecting Wellness Into Your Workspace

Injecting Wellness Into Your Workspace

Research shows that offices designed with wellbeing in mind can play a crucial role in improving job performance, employee engagement, recruitment and retention, and in reducing absenteeism. Injecting wellness into your workspaces is an be inexpensive and highly...

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